Wednesday 18 January 2012


On old twelfth night we wassail. Gathering in the orchard we watch the Wassail Queen with her garland of ivy bless the apple trees for the coming season. We sang wassails, we chanted, we wished the trees well. 
(Apples are very important in this neck of the woods.)

Sitting around the fire, talking and drinking late into the night we didn't feel the January chill in the air...


  1. Oh this post makes me wish I was there too...thank you for sharing xxx!

  2. The last time I sat around a fire on outside on a cold winter night was a couple of years ago on new year's eve. It was wonderful. It's been very windy around here lately. Not good fire weather. I'll live vicariously thru your photos!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  3. oh darling, I think we would make great, great friends.


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