Monday, 21 January 2013

snowy days

 When it's like this outside and everyone is too exhausted after sledging and snowballs fights we come home to tea cooked on the fire, hot chocolate and marshmallows.

No school, so plenty of time for crafting - sock puppets and peg dolls reign supreme.

And as we're home and can't get out of the village because the roads are bad we're just sitting tight. When in doubt knit and spin (which is why 2 new hats have made their way off the needles this weekend!)

Sapphire blogged here is very toasty warm... I may have to make another in a plain colour next. There is more stuff on the needles - but that'll make my next post. 

Stay warm everyone! xoxo


  1. Love your hat, it's gorgeous. Loads of snow here too but school was open. I was a little disappointed to be honest, I was hoping for a snow day.


    1. School open here today but the roads were lethal! I think a thaw is on it's way - disappointing huh?

  2. The hat turned out beautifully! We actually had a little snow last week and may get some more later this week...more than likely it will be rain. Stay warm!


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