Tuesday, 2 April 2013

making me happy...

 The sun is out and so are we! Finally the weather has been kind enough to get us all outside basking in the light which has been missing for what feels like an age. (Jago didn't recognise the sun the other day - he thought the moon was very bright...)

  • being outside, walking, running, jumping...
  • listening to the dawn chorus
  • being surrounded by family and friends while this brief holiday lasts.
  • knitting and spinning (outside!) 
  • and (weirdly) spring cleaning
Long may this last! Now for the weather to warm up a smidgen and things will be perfect!
Happy April everyone!


  1. Spring is more than welcome around here also. I need a few more degrees and for the wind to stop and then I will happy. Spinning outside is my idea of heaven.

  2. I so desperately need to do the spring cleaning...ugh. But we've had a few gorgeous days too and I've loved them.

  3. What a great photo to match your post. Hurrah for blue skies! x


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