Monday, 28 January 2013

making me happy

  • spring bulbs appearing through the thawing snow.
  • planning adventures - unravel anyone?
  • devouring seed catalogues - planning summer in the garden
  • reading Taproot - a big thanks to my sister for the subscription
  • planning birthday surprises
  • smelling hyacinths - I didn't realise they were so fragrant!


  1. I always love how you are that bit further ahead with the spring thaw than we are here in Canada...which gives me hope that ours will soon follow!

    1. I'm always envious that you have a proper winter in Canada - we get two weeks of snow and the country grinds to a halt!

  2. Don't you love Taproot? And Unravel looks like loads of fun!

    1. Loving Taproot - loving the fact they do overseas subscriptions.
      I may have to save up for Unravel - I think there maybe quite a bit of shopping going on!

  3. I love hyacinths too. Unravel looks great! I wish I lived nearer...
    M xxx

  4. Mmmmm.....hyacinths and seed catalogs. I couldn't wait any longer. I planted little starter pots today-zinnias, marigolds and nasturtiums. No veggies this summer, just blooms. I can't wait.

  5. What a lovely list - your happy things make me think that spring is coming. I am taking comfort from the shoots and bulbs in the garden now that the snow has all gone.

    Gillian x

  6. Love the photo, I think I may have to go an investigate unravel. Thank you!


hello! thank you for taking the time to comment - I love reading them all!