Thursday, 10 January 2013

on my needles

With cold weather on its way and all that holiday making over for at least 6 months it's time to cast on for another hat. I mean if it does really snow then I have a new hat to celebrate with.

One of my lovely Christmas presents was French Girl Knits Accessories full of beauties that must be knitted...


  1. That book has some adorable stuff. I can't wait to see what hat you are knitting.

    1. It's 'Sapphire' - but there are so many good hats in that book. You're right - that book is adorable!

  2. I love the colour of that yarn. I am enjoying being liberated from gift making and have made myself a knitted cowl and it actually came out ok! My first attempt at moss stitch. I need to get braver with my knitting patterns now...

    Gillian x

  3. It's cowl season!Have you blogged it?
    We didn't get any snow - booo hiss! But I have a new hat just in case!


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