Wednesday, 23 January 2013

a quilt for Jess

A few years ago, when I was expecting Jago, I made Jess a quilt top and didn't get any further. You know, that pregnancy rush of energy closely followed by 3 years of very, very busy.

Rummaging in one of my (many) crafting cupboards I found this carefully folded away and decided that I have to make the final push and finish it for Jessie's birthday - 3 years late (!)

So now, I'm spending the evenings when she's sleeping to hand quilt. There are some evenings when there is much procrastinating about bedtime when nothing is sewn, but my, do I understand the need for a thimble now...


  1. It's going to be lovely when it's finished. But yes, the sore fingers, you need a thimble. Ouch!

    Gillian x

    1. Thank you! I think it's charm is in it's wonkiness! x

  2. I love to quilt by hand but it does do damage to the fingers. I've tried every thimble out there and never have found one I like. I just limit how much I do in a day to minimize the ouch factor. The quilt is adorable btw.

    1. I'm trying to do a square a day (with a thimble.) I have my grandmother's battered and loved thimble. Trouble is, she was such an amazing needlewoman I can practically hear her 'tutting' over my shoulder!

  3. Hi there, thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comments. I have enjoyed looking through your blog posts - what a great blog you have and your ceramic work is beautiful! Your quilt is also lovely and the colours are gorgeous.
    M xx

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! Love your blog too!!! x

  4. Oh you know she is going to LOVE it! You are so much more patient that I am. So sweet.

    1. I hope she's going to love it - girls change their favourite colours like the weather! And no, I'm not at all patient - hence the 3 years so far! x

  5. Emma, its been lovely to come over and have a little nose through your recent posts. I've also had a look at your ceramics - they are fantastic, you are so clever, and prolific, a quilt as well?!

    1. I'm so glad you're back Abigail! Thanks for your kind words xxxx

  6. Hi Emma
    Thank you for visiting my little blog today - it's great to discover lovely new blogs like yours. I absolutely love your ceramics - do you have a shop? I am certain that a little ceramic butterfly necklace is just the thing I need!
    Emily x

    1. Hi Emily, no I don't have a shop yet. Still trying to figure out the postage thing. However email me if you want a butterfly necklace I'm sure I can bespoke one just for you!

      Emma x

  7. Oh boo - blogger's lost my comment grrrr. Love your pretty blog and your ceramics are gorgeous. Do you have a shop? I feel certain a butterfly necklace is just what I need!
    Emily x


hello! thank you for taking the time to comment - I love reading them all!