Monday, 18 February 2013

sunshine & happiness

 The sun shone and we headed to the beach. It's still bitterly cold so we packed a hot picnic. If you bake spuds in their jackets and put them in a cool box surrounded by hot water bottles by the time you get to the beach everything is still hot. Smother with baked beans (hot from a thermos) and cheddar and sprinkle (if so inclined) with bacon. Mugs of hot coffee / hot chocolate are essential as is a hunk of homemade cake as pudding. Perfect.

The bracing easterly breeze was stoutly ignored as we were determined to soak up the rays before the cloud came back. This meant that by the time we got into the car we were all deaf in one ear. However - the rare sun was glimpsed and I feel we have recharged our solar panels for the week. I can't wait for the longer evenings and more sunshine but I know I must be patient...
Spring is on it's way though - honest...


  1. I so know what you mean. We all need a solar recharge every once in a while!

    1. I can't wait for spring - normally it's so grey here!

  2. Brrrrr.....but the food sounds yummy. It has been bitterly cold and windy here too. I need some springtime like crazy. I am so tired of being in the house.

    1. The sun is still shining which makes it easier to get out and breathe.

  3. It's so good to see the sun shining isn't it? Your picnic sounds fantastic! And thanks for the tip about the baked spuds...
    M xxx

    1. Picnic whatever the weather! (well, possibly not when it's raining cats and dogs!)

  4. I just LOVE your concept of a hot picnic! I don't know why but it never occurred to me to do something like that. We've had some sunny and freezing cold beach walks this week too, I just wish we'd had a picnic basket like yours!

    Gillian x

  5. Spring is on its way...and patience is what we all need xo

  6. That's such a good idea with the potatoes! We usually take (vege) sausage sandwiches in the winter but that sounds like a wonderful alternative. I'm due to have baby no 2 April 9th and I've got it in my head that it will be warm and gorgeous by then! But things do change so much during March don't they? X

  7. Beautiful! We also had a bracing walk on a beach this week, in sunny Norfolk. Well, I say walk but it was with a three year old so it was most of an amble!


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