Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Woolly Wednesday

Oh my, it's Woolly Wednesday once more and this time I've got lots to show and tell. January has been a time for finishing things. It's one of my resolutions to stop starting things and wandering off when something else catches my eye. (I'm a fickle knitter) Also being stuck in the house due to rubbish weather has helped to keep me near my work basket....

First up I finally finished the Ab Fab throw that I was given a few Christmases ago. (ravelled here.)

I started and finished the Hemlock throw as a gift - knit in Rowan Big Wool it's very snuggly.... (snuggly is a proper word I'm sure)

Last up on the knitting front  is the Lonely Tree Shawl which I love!

Right. Now its the time for spinning. I have got back down to it and without all those knitting projects staring at me I feel less guilty about making more yarn. (don't get me wrong - there is plenty on those needles of mine, but that is another post entirely.)

Last summer I was lucky enough to be given 3 portland fleeces from a friend's flock. I've blended it with some merino and have great plans to spin enough to make this. There I've said it in public. That means I've got to do it! There is absolutely no way I could afford to buy the original yarn and I think handspun is the way to go....


  1. Love your finished items, I too am guilty of wandering off to start something new. Love the Ab Fab, I do love the Old Shale (or Feather and Fan) pattern.

    Quill looks like a beautiful project, I look forward to seeing it. Are you doing it in one colour or dyeing some of the yarn?

    1. I love the Old Shale pattern too - it's so pretty.

      As for the Quill hap shawl I'm not sure yet. I'm wondering whether or not to go on a natural dying course and dying some of the fleece. I've not done any wool dying before and I'm a bit nervous. I keep telling myself that as some one who can fire and mend a kiln I'm sure that I can master dying wool. I just need to be brave!

  2. Gorgeous work! I understand the guilt about making more yarn. It is so much easier (and more fun) to spin than it is to make good use of all the lovely handspun. Even worse, I have so many knit garments now that most of them are gathering dust in the closet. I hesitate to gift my handspun items as I don't have as much confidence in them holding up. None of this is going to stop me though. Whoever is in charge of my estate will have to sort it out when the time comes!

    1. Oh I hear you! There is probably too much stash in this house and now I've got into spinning well I'm not sure we need roof insulation now!

      I'm not sure about how my handspun will hold up so I keep it within the family so far....

  3. Look at all your beautiful knits! Love the Hemlock Throw. And the Quill? Don't you just love Jared Flood? So amazing.

    And so are you dear lady! Thank you so much for your help with "Hats for Grammy." I know Fru will be tickled to death with your kindness!

    1. Love Jared Flood... Last time I was in London I went to Loop and treated myself to a whole heap of patterns and Quill was one of them. Now to spin enough yarn...

      Will get started on the hats - a good way to work through that stash of mine! x

  4. If I say something in public that's my way of committing myself too! Doesn't always work but the intention is good. Love what you've done...that pink is so bursting with colour...and snuggly indeed. Just perfect for this winter weather!

    1. I've spun 2 skeins towards 'Quill' so far... I am going to make it this year!!!

  5. Everything looks amazing, and the Quill, wow, it is beautiful.

  6. I love all your finished things they are gorgeous. I especially love the hemlock throw such a beautiful colour.
    M xxx

    1. Thanks! I've just given Hemlock away so I think I need to make me one now...

  7. Wow! I can't quite believe how much you've knitted and how quickly! You are a seriously good knitter, you really are. I love that quill shawl, can't wait to see how it turns out with your very own home-spun yarn.

    Gillian x

    1. Awww, you're too kind! My mum taught me to knit when I was four. Apparently I was being very annoying and I needed something to keep me quiet. Not got round to teaching my daughter to knit yet but half term is here...

  8. You have amazing talent, I am almost speechless!


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